First New Moon of the Year & Imbolc Offerings

Dear Soul Friends, 

Happy New Moon in Aquarius! 

Have you felt a shift this past week? I know for me, I am breathing a deep sigh of relief! Feeling Mercury station direct on the 18th was like experiencing a curtain opening, allowing more visibility and clarity in my life. As I have shared in my recent posts and newsletters, the beginning of 2023 was shrouded in energies that were asking us to reflect and rest. This is always the case during the season of Yule; however, it was amplified by both Mercury and Mars retrograde. Mercury rules all forms of communication, travel, visions, and plans, and Mars is the planet of action and ignition. Now that both are direct, we are able to access those energies within ourselves and utilize them for visioning and intention setting processes for 2023. Remember, our bodies and consciousness are a microcosm to the macrosom of the universe. All the planetary energies exist within us; being aware of what's occurring in the greater planetary cycles allows us to flow in the world more skillfully and harmoniously. 

Saturday's new moon in Aquarius is a powerful portal for expanding your vision and looking at the calendar year ahead from a higher perspective. What does your heart desire to manifest, experience, create? What is the quality of energy you would like to call forward within yourself? How will this expand your inner and outer worlds? 

On the wheel of the year we are approaching Imbolc on February 1st, celebrating the Goddess Brigid, the return of the light, and the first stirrings of spring. I have been devoted to Brigid for many lifetimes and this time of year holds a special resonance in my heart. Brigid's day is being celebrated in Ireland for the first time this year as a national holiday, and Monday, February 6th will be a bank holiday. On that day, Monday the 6th, my dear Irish sister Mara and I will be co-creating an online ceremony in Brigid's honor. Stay tuned for more info next week!! 

I am also opening 4 spaces for Imbolc sessions February 1st and 2nd. Please reach out via email if you would like to save one of those spots! 

Wishing you a magical and expansive first new moon of the year! 

Blessed Be,

Annah Taylor xx


6 Month Priestess Immersion & Mentorship 


A Love Letter to the Goddess Brigid