Equinox & 1:1 Sessions

Blessings Soul Friends,

We are entering the Equinox portal! This Thursday September 22nd is the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The two Equinoxes mark the times on the Wheel of the Year when light and dark come into perfect balance, as day and night are equal length. From this time forward, as we move toward the Winter Solstice, days begin to grow shorter and we experience more time in the dark. The Autumnal Equinox, or Mabon, invites us to reflect on what has occured in our lives since the Spring Equinox last March.

What are the themes? The lessons learned? The opportunities for healing? What areas of life feel out of balance?

The medicine of the Equinox portal is Balance; it is a time when the cosmic energies offer powerful support in harmonizing that which is out of alignment. The only catch is that we live on a free will planet, meaning we must take the time to understand that which is out of balance or alignment in our lives and then ask for help. My favorite ways to reflect are through journaling, divination with Tarot, meditation, and tea ceremony. (We dive deeply into cultivating these skills in my Ladies of the Lake membership!) Asking for help can be in the form of a prayer as a candle is lit, speaking aloud in nature under the sun or the stars, it can be through movement or song, whatever way feels natural for you to express your desires to the Universe. There is so much magic available to us when we open our hearts to receive and experience it!

In service to supporting you during this potent time, I am opening 4 spots for one-on-one sessions. These can be done from anywhere in the world over Zoom and last approximately 75 minutes. My personal sessions are a fusion of Spiritual Psychology, Priestess arts, and intuitive insights from Goddess, your Higher Self, and Guides. Please reach out through my contact form if you feel called! I look forward to supporting you in aligning with your most magical, divinely inspired life!

Stay tuned for an Equinox Gift later this week.

Love and Blessings,


Mercury has been playing with me!✨


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