Mercury has been playing with me!✨

Dear Friends,

How has this mercury retrograde time been for you? It has certainly been a potent one for me! Mercury retrograde periods, which occur three times a year, invite us to revisit the past in order to express words that were withheld, release emotions that have been suppressed, and bring to completion things that have been left unresolved. Mercury retrograde themes are typically words that begin with “re”. Remember, Revisit, Recall, Revise, Recalibrate, etc. I find that Mercury also invites us to to look within and take personal responsibility for times we had blamed others or allowed ourselves to feel victimized. This Mercury retrograde period I have often asked myself, how can I relate to this from a place of empowerment?

As Mercury rules all forms of communication, when it goes retrograde, things tend to get a bit unruly. Travel delays, lost emails, missed messages, miscommunication, confusion, etc! Mercury is also a trickster, so when miscommunication does occur, I find it helpful to see the cosmic humor as well as the opportunity for creating more clarity in the future.

I am reaching out to all of you today as I’ve been experiencing a bit of this with my emails! I’ve been notified by several sisters through IG messages that their email responses to my recent newsletter did not come through. If you have tried to reach out regarding one on one sessions or simply to say hello, please contact me through my website.

Also, I have sent out an Equinox Gift, which is a morning invocation. Please listen to the morning invocation here and enjoy!

Breathing deeply, wearing it lightly, and welcoming the opportunities for learning that Mercury brings. ✨🙏✨

Sending love,




Happy Full Moon in Gemini!


Equinox & 1:1 Sessions