Happy Full Moon in Gemini!

Dear Soul Friend,

Today marks the final full moon of 2022. There are thirteen moons in a calendar year and this full moon has inspired reflection on what the last thirteen moons have taught me. As Gemini loves to talk and is the sign of communication, I invite you to converse with yourself or a friend, chatting about the main lessons that stand out from 2022.

Where were you last December? What was going on in your life at that time? Where do you see yourself in December of 2023? 

As we approach Yuletide, we are entering the darkest time of the year, inviting us to drop into the sacred pause; which culturally is counterintuitive during the fullness of the holidays. I will share more about Yule as we get closer to the Winter Solstice. 

For now, how are you feeling as energy ramps up toward the busiest time of year? A few years ago, my family started a Christmas draw, so each of us gives and receives one gift. This way we each choose one beautiful, meaningful gift without worrying about trying to buy things for each person. I personally love giving gifts, however not under pressure. I love buying things for friends and family when I feel inspired and I know something will bring them joy. Yet as we all know, more important than gifts are the quality of our experiences with our loved ones and the level of presence we bring to our time together - putting down our phones and connecting from our hearts. 

These last few weeks I've been enjoying wonderful family time in Palm Springs, California. I have been coming here my entire life and feel such deep peace surrounded by the desert landscape and the beautiful quartz-filled San Jacinto mountains. We came together to be close to my beloved grandmother who is 95 years old. The moments shared have been so precious, filled with profound presence, loving, and attention. It has been a powerful reminder of the enormous gift of walking through this sacred journey of life together with loved ones. 

Speaking of sacred journeys, I am excited to announce the next pilgrimage to Avalon will be June 30th - July 10th, 2023. Space is very limited and registration is open! 

Sending love and full moon blessings to you and yours,

Annah Taylor



A Love Letter to the Goddess Brigid


Mercury has been playing with me!✨